Dear County worker men,
I understand how highly urgent and important your job is to the Nations security.I understand how those signs on street corners that pesty CIVILIANS post stating they will "Buy your house TODAY" truly are decoys for criminal activity. I get that your being a COUNTY employee, you have rights to a snazzy white truck (paid for w/my tax $$) and that really COOL brown uniform. I understand you walk with an air of authority and expect to be respected and I guess....also feared. I get that you THINK you can ignore road safety. I get it. Question for ya~ Why do you feel you can slide lanes, slam on your brakes and pull up on a TINY medium , cause cars behind you to brake dangerously, just so you and your buddy can sit in the truck, w/ your AC running, while you OPEN YOUR DOOR to pull the dangerous, spooky, security threatening sign out of the ground! AND (this really has me puzzled) I don't understand why you & your buddy chased me and my 3 young children down the road. Why did you feel ENTITLED to follow my truck for several blocks just so you could pull up beside me and SCREAM and YELL at me while shaking your little County Employee fists at me? While County worker #2 not to be left out, shook his scary notepad at me. Is it because I honked at you for your foolish (yup I said foolish ;) driving? I guess you didn't get the respect and fear from me you expected.....Hmmmm. Guess you didn't know WHO you were trying to intimidate? I, Sirs, have completed 2 International Dossiers ! I homeschool 3 kids. Guess you and your friend made a bad choice huh?
Guess you didn't expect me to call the County office and your Supervisor either huh? Heeheehee....
Guess I had the last laugh :) Thanks. I needed it.
3 comments: I hope they get at least reprimanded. But, sadly it probably won't be any worse than a scolding.
I know...but atleast I tried. I wonder if I had been a LARGE man, if they would have followed me? hmm.. :)
HEEHEE! Big bad county worker, forgot about honest citizens knowing how to dial telephone! Too bad it wasn't really true that they work for the citizens of the county, because if it were, I know 2 big bad county workers that would be little peons in the unemployment line!!
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