Family 2013

Family 2013
Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Keeping it REAL

Believe it or not, life with this cutie is not perfect. I'm sure some of the issues are mine....some just baby stuff, and a bit her strong personality. I dont really think it is adoption related per say...her bond to me is strong. She knows her family vs. strangers or friends. Actually that is part of the issue I am having. She is very fickle when anyone comes too close or tries to engage her. She crinkles up her nose and when she opens her little mouth a blood curdling cry comes out. Could be walking in the park, or at a store. Even if Daddy or my sister tries to take her from me....all he** breaks out. AND once she starts shrieking and crying, it takes me awhile to calm her back down. I went shopping with my mom yesterday, just to the fabric store (have a surprise coming) grocery store for a few things. I usually have baby girl in the sling, but she was super wiggly so I put her in the cart. My mom started to push it, and she started I pulled out her bottle and my mom (trying to bond with her) tried to give it to her. Well no thank you ma'am!! She got quite mad and started shrieking. So much that we left the store :( I popped into the grocery store to grab some teething gel hoping to help her a bit (top teeth are slooowly coming in) and she did ok in the sling until, I ran into a friend and stopped to chat a second. She started again, and didnt stop until I got her in the car, THEN she took her bottle. I cant imagine how odd all this must be for her. She has done AMAZING, but this only mama , all the time, or the shrieking starts is ...well, hard!
~bedtime was getting draining too. She goes to sleep pretty easy after her bottle and I lay her in her moses basket or bouncy seat (autumn ignore the last part ;) near my bed. I dont come to bed for awhile but she started waking every 20 mins or so screaming for me. My hubby cant console her, she justs gets mad, so I have to keep getting up rocking her back to sleep, then go back and try to relax or get back to whatever I was doing. Its so weird because she naps in the afternoon, for a solid 2 hrs. By the time I come to bed she had woken up about 5 times !Then she wakes up about 3 times for a bottle thru the night on the bed w/us. OH she also has this fun idea that every couple days its time to get up around 3-5 am and it takes about an hour to get her back to sleep. I was starting to look a bit like a zombie....and felt like one.
So, I decided to put her to sleep at nap time awake after her bottle and song, to get her used to hanging without me. The first morning she cried for about an hour straight, but I went in and patted her every 5 -10 minutes. After an hour she fell asleep the next morning I did the same thing and it took her about 20 minutes to fall asleep and I patted her a few times so she knew I was there. The third morning she fell asleep within minutes and didn't cry once ! Partly her cry was just pure mad can tell when she is being strong willed and not sad. This was hard for me, because I am an attachment parent all the way, but sometimes you have to change things a bit to make things easier in the long run. Anyway the 2nd night she only woke 1 time between 9pm and 12 when I came to bed :) :) so it is helping a bit. I DO NOT RECOMMEND CRYING IT OUT for any baby in any situation. They must be home a few months and be secure. I truly felt she was ready to start sleeping alone a bit and it would help her. which it did. You have to know your baby is bonded and will not be scared or you could do more damage then good. Just wanted to be honest so folks know, there are good and bad times, even when things are great :) Especially for first time parents . Its ok to say you're tired and pooped out :) Heck I am , and we are on #4 :) But I love it !!!
~We missed our drs appt Friday due to NO sleep the night before...I am on the fence , should I go to our regular ped or make an appt for an international ped which is a 2 hr drive away? The rattling and potty issues are making me feel awful for her and bad as a mommy :(

Boo and Renee

We went to the park w/ my friend Jess and her kiddos. It was a nice breezy day :)

Baby girl in her first park swing ride !

Jess's little guy and Tatiana. They are about a month apart.
He is such a cute lil chunk !! :)

Happy Bug

Jessica's little guy (at 24 #s ;) do you remember he had a cleft lip when he was born? It looks amazing.

Baby girl catching some zzzz's at the park

When we first got to the park, it started raining. I figured we would wait it out after all the effort it takes to actually GET to the park with 4 kiddos :) The rain passed pretty quick and it was a breezy day.

Remember the brown crib I bought on craigslist for $50?? well we are finally painting it !!! It is going to look just beautiful when its done.

I love the wood white, it looks a bit aged which is pretty.

~I started this post this morning around 8am...LOL it is now 3:30 ! Yes things do change when you have a baby in the house :)
Have a wonderful day !! :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Something to clap about

Doesn't this smile just melt your heart ?? Yay...mine too.

Baby Girl has learned to clap !! AND she claps alot :)

Gotta have the decorated booty in the south .. (thanks to megan at "burp bitty burp)

My sweetie is teething on the top, and has been chewing and drooling a bunch. I found that a toddler toothbrush does the trick! She loves it & it is easy for her to hold.

Seriously love the bows. Kristi shared with me that a few folks in Ethiopia mentioned to her "A girl in florida puts big bows on her ethiopian little one too!" HA!! Gotta love it. We think alike :)

Eyelashes and bows ;)

Clapping again !!

Ok. This bib crack me up! It is bigger then she is :) I bought it because Boo (for some reason we cant figure out) has called Baby girl "DAISY" since she came home. At first whenever we called her "Tatiana" Or Heweena (her special mothers called her that short for Hiwot) she would very sternly tell us "No her DAISY!"
Cracks us up..and not a clue where she got it from.

Look who has big bouncey curls !! She has the softest little curls on top but the back is shorter and dry, so I am tryin a few things to add moisture. I'll let you know what works out.

Bug loves pushes baby girl around in the doll stroller. Baby sisters make great little baby dolls.

ok~surprise !! Tatiana is standing ALL BY HERSELF ! AHHHH!!

(excuse the drool please :)

Yes, that is a piece of mulch in her mouth, which I removed AFTER I snapped the picture :)

SHE IS QUITE TICKLED EACH TIME SHE STANDS UP :) Boo cheers for her and tells her "good job baby good job!" sooooo sweet.
Have a wonderful friday :) we are off to the dr again, hoping to be referred to a specialist for baby girls rattling . I hoped it was gone , but no such luck. My thoughts are running to GERD or acid reflux now :(

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Families are Forever...right?

When I think that Boo and Baby girl could have grown up
so very far away from me, and we might have never chokes me up. I cant imagine my life without my 2 lil babies. I love my babies so much , and am just humbled by GOD's plan for our lives.



Bug crashed after VBS with her cat....

It has been sooooo hot lately, I let the babies play with
the water table and they had a blast ! It was so funny to see
them splash each other and just laugh !

My lil' beauties ;)

How stinkin cute is my girl ??

Baby girl has a little birthmark on her back shaped like
a butterfly :)

Getting ready to splash me !

She is such a happy baby. ( the screaming stopped ;P oye.)

~JON & KATE PLUS 8.... MINUS 1 ?
Its weird how I care so much about this I know, but I was really in a funk last night after the show. I HATE TO SEE THEM BREAKUP. And btw what is up w/ JON'S EARRINGS?? He didnt have earrings before, now 2 diamond studs, and a funky t-shirt and smoking? Why do people give up on their families SO easily? Yes marriage is hard. Yes raising kids is hard. Sure it is harder in the spot light...especially when you are out with a 23 year old teacher in a bar who is NOT your wife ( just saying)
No one ever said it would be easy, but it is worth it. I wonder if they were not financially secure if he would walk away to explore the next chapter in his life (since he is only 32.....his words) Who cares how old he is ? He has 8 children to provide a stable family for and to love their mother! That is what counseling is for , right? I know she was tough on him and they have problems like everyone can, she clearly was the stronger of the 2, but it seemed to work for them. I just felt so bad for Kate, when she said he wont even talk to her. I'm sure it is complicated, I just hate to see a family break up, and the hubby go off and re-live his 20's.. without trying super hard to work it out. Guess the tabloids win again :( sorry. had to get this off my mind :)
Any thoughts?
On a happier note !!!!!
~welcome home to Kristi and her beautiful Lucy Lane !!! Check her pictures out here. **

Sunday, June 21, 2009

All fun things come to an end...

The sun was setting on another wonderful VBS week. My kiddos were quite sad and didnt understand why the VBS volunteers couldnt do it ALL summer long :)

Aunt Meme and Bug

It was ridiculously hot and humid outside, but that didnt stop Boo
from dancing and spinning :)

my beautiful Bug

Proud Mama & Papi :)

The Fan club

My VBS stars :) The theme was "Boomerang express" it was so much fun !!

Peanut & his class

The kids raised $366 for a mission trip, which was $100 more then the goal :)

Our Bug (with the yellow tag)

It was a wonderful fun week, but honestly it is HARD getting everyone up and out early. We are a home school family and we (I..) dont move that quick in the morning LOL! My hat is off to you Moms who get everyone moving and out the door every morning for makes me tired just thinking of it ;)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday..not

Sorry about the title. I'm not good at stickin to themes :)
It is only Wednesday and it has been crazy !
The kids built a bird house with Papi this weekend. Bug was thrilled, then dismayed when she learned that the birdhouse could not be put up at "eye level" so she could visit with the baby birds :( she thought they would be her new pets. Poor kid. She cried buckets over it.
The flowers are Peanuts. He is a great chef/baker and a pretty darn good gardener too !

Monday started Vacation Bible school for my older 2. Boo wouldnt have any part of it LOL. After dropping them off at church, my sister called me quite upset. She was having a lot of trouble breathing. So I rushed to her house and took her to the ER. They zoomed her right in and I stayed with her , with the babies until I had to go pickup the kids from VBS. The drs wanted to do a bunch of tests so I came home and put kids down for naps. After many tests they admitted Gaby. They felt she had a blood clot on her lung !! Scary stuff. Well after many breathing treatments and CT scans and nuclear med tests and LOTS of needle pokes in the tummy, she came home last night very exhausted. The drs kind of back tracked a bit and think it may be asthma , even though she never had asthma before...but they did pump her full of blood thinners to dissolve the blood clot they now arent sure she had. OYE. We are just so happy she is home safe and sound.

Baby girl and Aunt meme. It is rare that baby girl will let anyone but me hold her lately. Even Daddy can only get in a few short squeezes before she starts to cry. LOUDLY. Although I love being her "go to girl" it does get draining always having a small bundle of love attached to you. There are times I just HAVE to hand her to someone (using the bathroom in the hospital..) and it breaks my heart when she falls apart and screams like I have deserted her :(
~some folks asked about my baby sling it is from and I love it ! You can check out their clearance section for deals or check ebay if you know your size.
~I bought a swiffer sweep and vac and LOVE LOVE it. I have lots of pet hair with our critters, and I sweep several times a day. This broom is awesome. It vacuums up hair and dirt and the swiffer cloth grabs the dust and things you might miss. Well worth $25
~Boo's new favorite dvd is " Baby Bitchy"
HA! When she asks for it , we almost die...she means "Baby Di Vinci by Baby Einstien LOL!! :)
~Aveeno has a new line of shampoos/conditioners with wheat and oatmeal. I bought the moisture line and it is AWESOME! Baby girls hair gets dry really easily as does mine with the curls, and this is yummy. You can comb right thru your wet hair like butter :)
~Please pray for Trina. Her picture is on my sidebar. She has found out her cancer has spread to her bones now. It is just devastating news. Please add her to your prayers. She needs prayers to stay strong and fight this evil thing.
*Off to pick up the kiddos :) have a wonderful Wednesday !!

"...Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls knows that we know, and holds us responsible to ACT..." Proverbs 24:12

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -(Mahatma Gandhi)